This is a tiny patch for gtk+-1.0.2 == changes by gtk-joke-980517-0.patch == File: glib/gutils.c Change: add prototype declaration of g_vsprintf File: gtk/gtkwindow.c Change: (glong) cast for sizeof operator. ======================================== 2 of 4 warnings with gtk+-1.0.2 are reduced with this patch, The left are: cc: Warning: gstring.c, line 173: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "string" is const, but the referenced type of the target of this a ssignment is not. lookup = (char*) g_hash_table_lookup (chunk->const_table, string); -------------------^ cc: Warning: testgtk.c, line 4710: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "circles_bits" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with " char". circles = gdk_bitmap_create_from_data (window->window, ----------------^ Yasuhiro SHIRASAKI