Ok, here's a patch which adds Gtk(Set|Get)ArgFuncs to almost all of the widgets and objects. I have also attached a file which contains all the args the patch adds. If someone finds any args that should or shouldn't be there or are just plain wrong, let me know. Naturally, same applies to any bugs. --------- GtkAdjustment: value float read,write GtkAlignment: xalign float read,write yalign float read,write xscale float read,write yscale float read,write GtkArrow: arrow_type GtkArrowType read,write shadow_type GtkShadowType read,write GtkAspectFrame: xalign float read,write yalign float read,write ratio float read,write obey_child boolean read,write GtkButtonBox: spacing int read,write layout_style GtkButtonBoxStyle read,write child_width int read,write child_height int read,write child_x_ipadding int read,write child_y_ipadding int read,write GtkCheckMenuItem: state boolean read,write show_toggle boolean read,write GtkCList: border GtkShadowType read,write selection_mode GtkSelectionMode read,write vscrollbar_policy GtkPolicyType read,write hscrollbar_policy GtkPolicyType read,write GtkColorSelection: update_policy GtkUpdateType read,write opacity boolean read,write color boxed(?) read,write GtkCombo: value_in_list boolean read,write ok_if_empty boolean read,write use_arrows boolean read,write use_arrows_always boolean read,write case_sensitive boolean read,write GtkCTree: auto_sort boolean read,write reorderable boolean read,write use_icons boolean read,write line_style GtkCTreeLineStyle read,write GtkCurve: curve_type GtkCurveType read,write GtkDrawingArea: width int write height int write GtkEditable: editable boolean read,write GtkEntry: visible boolean read,write text string read,write GtkFileSelection: filename string read,write fileop_buttons boolean write GtkHandleBox: handle_position GtkPositionType read,write shrink_on_detach boolean read,write GtkItem: selected boolean write GtkList: selection_mode GtkSelectionMode read,write GtkListItem: label string write GtkMenu: accelerator_table boxed read,write attach_widget GtkWidget read GtkMenuItem: label string write submenu GtkWidget read,write show_toggle_indicator boolean read,write show_submenu_indicator boolean read,write submenu_placement GtkSubmenuPlacement read,write GtkNotebook: page int read,write tab_pos GtkPositionType read,write show_tabs boolean read,write show_border boolean read,write scrollable boolean read,write tab_border int read,write popup boolean write GtkOptionMenu: menu GtkWidget read,write GtkPaned: child1 GtkWidget read,write child2 GtkWidget read,write handle_size int read,write gutter_size int read,write GtkPixmap: pixmap boxed read,write mask boxed read,write GtkPreview: expand boolean read,write GtkProgressBar: percentage float read,write GtkRadioButton: group boxed read,write GtkRadioMenuItem: group boxed read,write [NOTE: Maybe GtkRadioButton and GtkRadioMenuItem should derive from a common subclass GtkRadioItem?] GtkRange: adjustment GtkObject read,write update_policy GtkPolicyType read,write digits int read,write GtkRuler: metric GtkMetricType write lower_range float read,write upper_range float read,write position float read,write max_size float read,write GtkScale: digits int read,write draw_value boolean read,write value_position GtkPositionType read,write value_width int read GtkScrolledWindow: hadjustment GtkObject read vadjustment GtkObject read hscrollbar_policy GtkPolicyType read,write vscrollbar_policy GtkPolicyType read,write GtkTable: row_spacings int read,write col_spacings int read,write homogeneous boolean read,write GtkText: editable boolean read,write word_wrap boolean read,write hadjustment GtkObject read,write vadjustment GtkObject read,write point int read,write length int read GtkToggleButton: mode boolean read,write state boolean read,write GtkToolbar: orientation GtkOrientation read,write style enum read,write space_size int read,write tooltips boolean read,write GtkTooltips: enabled boolean read,write delay boolean read,write background_color GdkColor read,write foreground_color GdkColor read,write GtkTree: selection_mode GtkSelectionMode read,write view_mode enum read,write view_lines boolean read,write GtkTreeItem: label string write subtree GtkWidget read,write GtkViewport: hadjustment GtkObject read,write vadjustment GtkObject read,write shadow_type GtkShadowType read,write