This is a *generality* patch. Quoting from GTK provides some unique features. (At least, I know of no other widget library which provides them). For example, a button does not contain a label, it contains a child widget, which in most instances will be a label. However, the child widget can also be a pixmap, image or any combination possible the programmer desires. This flexibility is adhered to throughout the library. So I added gtk_toolbar_(append|prepend|insert)_widget functions (and fixed the child->(label|icon) == NULL bug): this let us add any widget to the toolbar. In testgtk I added an entry, for example. This exposes a bug/feature in the toolbar: all of the children have the same size (that is the max size of a widget in the toolbar). This was intended to nicely layout buttons, but we don't want to limit the toolbar to buttons (hey, think of a word processor toolbar!). Neverless we still want the *buttons* in the toolbar to have the same size: I suggest the requisition and allocation functions check the type of the child widget and make it the same size if it's derived from "GtkButton". I haven't implemented this yet. Any comments? The gtk_toolbar_(append|prepend|insert)_item now returns the GtkWidget they inserted: this is because we'd like to do something more with the button other than connecting to the clicked signal. A side effect is that this makes easier to do interpreted languages wrappers, ie in perl you can write: $button = $toolbar->append_item($label, $tooltip, $icon); $button->signal_connect('clicked', ...); ... and there is no need to reimplement the handling of callback and user_data. I suggest widget implementors take into account this sort of things: it's easy to make life easier (changing the return type of a couple functions!). The third change is the gtk_entry_set_max_length function that let's you change any time the text_max_length (why allow it only in the constructor? this isn't flexible enough fot real applications). Please mail comments to: