This patch adds two functions to gdkregion.c. I needed regions so I was delighted to see them in gtk+ 0.99.4, but I missed XPolygonRegion wrappers. So, I added them. Only the second function is really necessary. The first one is just for convenience. Note that I haven't really tested them, but they should work. At least they compile cleanly. GdkRegion* gdk_region_new_from_polygon (GdkPoint *points, gint npoints) This function creates a GdkRegion from a polygon (a set of points). It's just a plain wrapper around XPolygonRegion. It sets the fill rule to EvenOddRule. GdkRegion* gdk_region_new_from_polygon_with_rule (GdkPoint *points, gint npoints, gint rule) This function is similar to the first one, with the difference that it takes as a parameter the fill rule to use with the region. The fill rule defaults to EvenOddRule if the actual parameter rule is not a valid fill rule. There are some comments in the source as well. These are thoughts of mine. I don't know what the policies for tests and functions are so I leave those for the maintainer. The patch is made against gtk+ 0.99.4. Per Lewau