To build: Make sure you have installed - gtk+ 1.0 - gnu make tar xvf gimp-981202.tar tar xvf gimpdata-981202.tar cd gimp-data ./configure --prefix=/wherever make make install cd gimp ./configure --prefix=/wherever --enable-gimpdir=.hollywood make make install then just run /wherever/bin/gimp Notes: - this builds fine on linux intel gcc. if there are problems under irix CC, let me know - comes up in 16 bit by default. 16 bit is well tested, 8 bit is probably fine. no guarantees about floating point yet, that's still under development - the Image->Colors menu is slightly less tested than the rest, but seems fine - some things seem to leave a "phantom NULL selection" around. you'll spot this when all tools suddenly become unresponsive. the fix for now is to do Select->None (shift control A) to clear this bogus selection.